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Course Details
Cisco Certificate Network Professional course - Routing and Switching enhances the ability of a Network engineer in the field of Switching and Routing. Providing a stablised knowledge in the same field, it allows an associate to troubleshoot in advanced level R & S problems in International standards. After CCNP certification a person can Plan, Implement and troubleshoot Lan and Wan connections. It covers the deep analysis on the topics of Routing protocols(BGP, EIGRP)DHCP, VPN, NTP, IPV4 and IPV6.
Batches Regular Weekend Fast Track
Duration 40-45 Days 8 Weekend 15 Days
Hours Per Day 2 Hours 6 Hours 5 Hours
Demo Class Yes - 2 Days Yes - 1 Weekend Yes - 1 Day

Module 1 Installing Red Hat Enterprise

1.1 WhatYouNeedon Your Server

1.2 Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server

Module 2 Using Essential Tools

2.1 Using man

2.2 Understanding vim

2.3 Editing text files with vim

2.4 Understanding Globing and Wildcards

2.5 Using Globing and Wildcards

2.6 Understanding I/O Redirection and Pipes

2.7 Using I/O Redirection and Pipes

Module 3 Essential File ManagementTools

3.1 Understanding Linux File System Layout

3.2 Essential File Management Tasks

3.3 Finding Files

3.4 Understanding Links

3.5 Working with Links

3.6 Working with tar

Module 4 Working With Text Files

4.1 Understanding RegularExpressions

4.2 Using Common Text Tools(tail, head, tr, cut, sort)

4.3 Working with grep

4.4 sed and awk basics

Module 5 Connection to a RHEL Server

5.1 Opening Local Shells(Including Virtual Consoles)

5.2 Connecting to a Server with SSH

5.3 Understanding SSH Keys

5.4 Using SSH Keys

Module 6 Managing Users and Groups

6.1 UnderstandIng the Need for Users

6.2 Understanding User Properties

6.3 Creating and Managing Users

6.4 Understanding Group Membership

6.5 Creating and Managing Groups

6.6 User and Group Configuration Files

6.7 Managing Password Properties

Module 7 Connecting to anLDAP Server

7.1 Understanding LDAP

7.2 Setting up LDAP Authentication

7.3 Understanding Automount

7.4 Configuring Automount

7.5 Configuring NFS and Automount

7.6 ModIfying nslcd Configuration

Module 8 Managing Permissions

8.1 Understanding Ownership:Users, Groups, and Others

8.2 Changing File Ownership

8.3 Understanding Basic Permission

8.4 Managing Basic Permissions

8.5 Understanding Special Permissions

8.6 Managing Special Permissions

8.7 Understanding ACLs

8.8 Managing ACLs

Module 9 Configuring Networking

9.1 Understanding NIC Naming

9.2 Managing NIC, Configuration with the IP Command

9.3 Storing Network Configuration Persistently

9.4 Understanding Network Manager

9.5 Using Network Manager Utilities (nmcli, nm-tool)

9.6 Understanding Routing and DNS

9.7 Configuring Routing and DNS

9.8 UnderstandIng Network Analysis Tools

9.9 Using Network Analysis Tools

Module 10 Managing Processes

10.1 Understanding Jobs and Processes

10.2 Managing Shell Jobs

10.3 Getting Process Information with PS

10.4 Understanding Memory Usage

10.5 Understanding Performance Load

10.6 Monitoring System Activity with top

10.7 Sending Signals to Processes

10.8 Understanding Priorities and Niceness

10.9 Changing Process Nice Values

Module 11 Managing Software

11.1 Understanding MetaPackage Handlers

11.2 Setting up Yum Repositories

11.3 Using the Yum Command

11.4 Using rpm Queries

Module 12 Working with Virtual Machines

12.1 Introducing KVM Virtualizatlon

12.2 Managing Libvirt and KVM

12.3 Using virsh

12.4 Using virt-manager

Module 13 Scheduling Tasks

13.1 Cron Versus

13.2 Understanding Cron Configuration Files and Execution Times

13.3 Scheduling with Cron

Module 14 Configuring Logging

4.1 Understanding rsyslogd and journald Logging

14.2 Integrating rsyslogd and journald

14.3 Configuring rsyslog Logging

14.4 Working with Journald

14.5 Understanding logrotate

14.6 Configuring logrotate

Module 15 Managing Partitions

15.1 Boot Procedure Generic Overview

15.2 Understanding Grubs

15.3 Modifying Grub2 Parameters

15.4 Understanding Systemd

15.5 Managing Services in Systemd Environment

15.6 Understanding Systemd Targets

15.7 Mounting Partitions via /etc ¡f sta b

15.8 Understanding Encrypted Partitions

15.9 Creating a LUKS Encrypted Partition

Module 16 Managing LVMLogical Volumes

16.1 Why use LVM

16.2 Understanding LVM Setup

16.3 Creating an LVM Logical Volume

16.4 Understanding Device Mapper and LVM Device Names

16.5 Understanding LVM Logical Volume Resize Operations

16.6 Growing an LVM Logical Volume

16.7 Shrinking an LVM Logical Volume

Module 17 Managing the Kernel

17.1 Understanding the Modular Structure of the Kernel

17.2 Working with Kernel Modules

17.3 Modifying Kernel Module Behavior Through Modprobe

17.4 Tuning Kernel Behavior Through /proc

17.5 Using sysctl

17.6 Updating the Kernel

Module 18 Using Kickstart

18.1 Understanding KickstartUsage

18.2 Creating a Kickstart File

18.3 Using the Kickstart File for Automatic Installations

18.4 Using Kickstart Files in Fully Automated Datacenters

Module 19 Boot Procedure

19.1 Boot Procedure Generic Overview

19.2 Understanding Grubs

19.3 Modifying Grub2 Parameters

19.4 Understanding Systemd

19.5 Managing Services in Systemd Environment

19.6 Understanding Systemd Targets

19.7 Switching between Systemd Targets

19.8 Managing file system Mounts in a Systemd Environment

19.9 Managing Automount in a Systemd Environment

Module 20 Applying EssentialTroubleshooting Skills

20.1 Changing Gwb Parameterson Boot

20.2 Making Grub Changes Persistent

20.3 Using rd.break to Reset the Root Password

20.4 Resetting the Root Password Resumed

Module 21 Managing HTTP Services

21.1 Understanding Apache Configuration

21.2 Creating a Basic Web Site

Module 22 Managing SELinux

22.1 Understanding the Need for SELinux

22.2 Understanding SELinux Modes and Policy

22.3 Understanding SELinux Labels and Booleans

22.4 Using File System Labels

22.5 Understanding semanage fcontext and chcon Differences

22.6 Using Booleans

22.7 Analyzing SELinux Log Files

22.8 Configuring SELinux for Apache

Module 23 Configuring a Firewall

23.1 Understanding FirewallConfiguration

23.2 Using Firewalid

Module 24 Configuring FTP Services

24.1 Understanding FTPConfiguration

24.2 Configuring an FTP Server for Anonymous Downloads

Module 25 Configuring Time Services

25.1 Understanding Timeon Linux

25.2 Setting up a Chrony Time Server

Module 26 Configuring VNC Access

26.1 Understanding VNC

26.2 Configuring a VNC Server

26.3 Connecting to a VNC Server
